Friday 15 November 2013

Movie Clips - Research

Now that i have analyised the brief for our main task, i can start thinking about what type of genre i would like to create to carry out for my main production of an opening sequence.

'Movie Clips' was a great wesbite which enabled me to look at a varity of different openening sequences containing a range of genres. This was very helpful as it gets me thinking of which type of opening sequence i would like to achieve. Movie clips provides me with a means of identifying different conventions amongst different genres, which will help me decide a type of openening sequences i would like to do.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Importance of opening sequence

Before creating an opening sequence for ourselves after receiving the brief, it is important that we are aware of the importance of an opening sequence within a range of different ideas and techniques to produce a great final production.

There are several different reasons for the importance of an opening sequence including:

  • Setting the tone of the movie and supposed to lure people into the story
  • introduces the characters and sense of identity
  • Title sequences
Title sequence designs for films has evolved immensely over the years. Title sequences can range from bland black backgrounds with superimposed text over it to simply identify the film (which was the sole purpose in the first place) or they could be wildly creative and fun. The truth of the matter is that a title sequence also speaks volumes about the movie itself before it begins.

After taking this into consideration, it has allowed me to notice the importance of getting the opening sequence right and produced to the best of my ability. I am now aware and clear on the importance of titles and the different ways in which they can be advertised on the screen.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Preliminary Task

We were asked as a group to create a short scene for our preliminary task. The scene that we were asked to create has specific roles that we had to do to show the camera movement and shots. In out scene we had to make sure that we included someone walking through a door with a match on action shot as well as a shot reverse shot with dialogue. Before we could record this scene, it was important that we sketched out a story board for each different shots that we were asked to present. This was to allow us to keep on track on which shots we had to film and the order of it. Here is a image of our storyboard

After our storyboard has been completed we were able to start filming.