Thursday 26 December 2013

Genre Research

After creating as a group our final pitch and pulling together ideas about the conventions and what we would like to produce for our opening sequence, it is vital that we complete research on the different type of genres and select the genre most relevant to out ideas. Our opening sequence follows an drama mystery genre so in order to start thinking about the conventions I have started to look at other opening sequences within the same genre.

The link below is a trailer from a mystery drama called 'The Following'

'The following'  is a brilliant and charismatic, yet psychotic serial killer communicates with other active serial killers and activates a cult of believers following his every command. This is a drama mystery thriller and after watching this clip has allowed me to identify appropriate things that I need to include in my opening sequence allowing the audience to clearly recognise the type of genre I am producing.
This may include :
- Lighting, dark and mysterious
- Choice of location
- Type of characters and the way they are presented
- Different types of camera shots
By ensuring that we involve all of these will allow us to create a mystery drama and also help us to set our target audience.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Preliminary Task

Below is our completed preliminary task which shows camera movement and camera shots. We thought it was important to show our understanding and skills in the practical side of Media Studies and this short clip represents how much we have learned in the past few weeks.


If we had another opportunity to re-do this task there would be one thing we would change. At the very last scene the shot was obstuctive by the top of megan's head. The camera needs to be moved at a lower angle so this will not be noticed.