Friday 14 March 2014

Envaluation Plan

There are 7 different questions that we need to evaluate and answer individually in different ways. These questions need to be presented in either a PowerPoint, blog or video which is to express to the audience in a more detailed way and easier to get across to the audience what you are explaining and representing. These questions are.

1) In what ways does your media produce use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In this question I will include:

Directors commentary

-          Talking over your final product

-          Focus on how you produce a film (research)

-          How have I applied this to my film?

-          Include camera shots/movement/mise-en-scene/location

-          Focus in on genre and talk about conversations
2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In this question i will include:

-          Talking about the represented of character and how mainstream media has done it.
3) What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

In this question I will need to include:

              -          Talk about where we will present our production to gain attention and to be noticed.

4) Who would be the audience for your media production?

In this question we will present it as a video by recording the feedback from the target audience after they have watched our final production .

-          Opinions will be included
5) How did you attract/address your audience?
-       Important that posters or adverts are made to present our production and consider the ideal place to place these so they are noticed.
6) What have you learnt from your technologies from the process of constructing this production?
In this question I will need to include:

-          The use of pre-production and list the technologies that I used to create my opening sequence and the advantages and disadvantages of these.
7) Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? :

-          As a group, we are going to record a video expressing each individuals view points of the process of our production, evaluating what we have learnt from this  
Group discussion towards camera
-          Each individual given an equal amount speaking towards the camera

-          Speak as a group as a whole of the overall production