Friday 13 September 2013

Camera Shots - Movement

Camera Movement Techniques - Tilt, Pan, Zoom, Pedestal, Dolly and Truck
In todays assignment as a class we looked through the different types camera shot movements throughout a film. There are several different ways the camera moves around to give off a different effect which may inquire differnent technology to help. Below i will give some examples of the different camera shot movements:

- Pan Lef to Pan Right means moving the camera to bring the audience closer, showing them all sides of the character as an example.Moving the camera lens to one side or another, looking to your left then looking to your right - that's panning. 

- Tilt up to Tilt down means Moving the cameras lens up or down while keeping its horizontal axis constant. Nod your head up and down - this is tilting.

- Zoom in (lens) to Zoom out involves changing the focal length of the lens to make the subject appear closer or further away in the frame. Most video cameras today have built-in zoom features. Some have manual zooms as well, and many have several zoom speeds. Zooming is one of the most frequently-used camera moves and one of the most overused. 

The image above shows all the different camera movement that's available to process a film. It is very cleaver what the camera is able to do, and with the correct technical equipment it expresses a more realistic movement making the film look more professional and believable. 

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