Friday 11 October 2013

Recreation of Short Clip

As seen from my last blog, we presented our story board as a group of the recreation from the beginning scene of 'Scream' from High School Musical Senior Year. The reason for choosing this clip was because it has a varitey of different shots, movements and angles such as panning and low angle shots. This clip was very simple and didnt require anything too difficult for us to try and recreate. Here is a video of the clip, we recreated the first 5 minuets of this clip:

Before we was able to start filming we had to decide as a group on a appropiate locations for the clip, and make a story board so we was aware of wait to aim for and how many seconds each shot should consist of. We also needed to think about if any props was needed in our recreation so had to make sure we was able to access them for the day of the recording. Once we had filmed our clip we then had to think about the editing and effects that we would like to adjust to the clip to give it more of an effective and profeshional look. Here is our final outcome:

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