Thursday 27 February 2014

Pre-Production Research

Before creating our own opening sequence it was imporant to research the differences of good and bad. This will give our group a clear idea of things that we need to invlove and thigns that we must ensure we do not produce. By looking at bad examples of opening sequences we will have a clear identification of the things that make the scene bad or not fit. An example of this could be when the set is too dark or if the opening sequence did not fit with the actual film.

By looking at other opening sequence we have made sure that our own production had full continutiy and fits with the story behind it allowing us to grab the audience attention and make them want to watch this film.

We decidied to create a practice run in a different loction to were we have planned to produce our opening sequence, this has allowed us to notice things that we have not included and identify different things we could change to produce the best possible opening sequence.

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