Friday 24 January 2014

Changes to Pre-Production

After creating our pitch, we found that we wanted to make a few changes to our pre-production plan. As a good we decided that we wanted to create a drama mystery genre but we would like to add some supernatural touches due to altering the ending of the opening sequence. As a group we came up with the idea of at the end of the scene the young teenage girl walks away in a hurry but we felt that this wasnt the best way to leave the scene due to leaving it feeling dull and not attracting the audience attention to wanting to watch the whole film. Instead, we have now decided to have the girl being touch on the shoulder by the person who has been following her throughout the scene. This leaves the scene questioning to who it could be, and i find it a better way of leaving the opening sequence due to the audience intreged to find out who the msytery hand was and what then happens to the young girl.

I believe that change our pitch and ideas have enabled us to create a more mysterious and well explained openening sequence that will draw in the audience attention and create a dramatic atmosphere.

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