Sunday 19 January 2014

The Brief for our Main Task

As a class we were asked to create an opening sequence within our production groups. There are very specific idea's that we need to ensure that is included throughout our opening sequence which contain titles, a soundtrack which must not be copyrighted, and the main focus on a faction film. This opening sequence must be approximate 2 minuets long.

 within our group, it was very important that we all had a clear idea of what we would like to present to our class taking into consideration and thoughts about the gender, soundtrack, introduction to main characters, title of the film and the credits.

There are many different Genders that out group could decide on to use for our production including, romance, adventure, comedy, horror, thriller or action. It is vital that our group are clear on each gender and feel comfortable using a certain gender for our production so research must be used for the conventions.

Due to the use of soundtrack must not be copyrighted, it may cause limitations to our production. However, to over come this problem the use of garage band used on the laptop/computer will help our group to come up with a soundtrack that is relevant to our scene. To be able to produce an efficient soundtrack for our production, our group will research some existing music that we think will suit our production and then use garage band and foiley sound to create something similar that will suit our opening scene. 

It is important that our group have planned out a time schedule for planning, recording and editing allowing us to have enough time to complete our production to the best standard we are able to provide. Although our opening scene is only 2 minuets long, it will take a long time for us to produce and edit before we will be happy to present it.

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