Thursday 24 April 2014

Barriers towards our Opening Sequence

Throughout the process of creating our opening sequence, as a group we faced several barriers restricting us from what we would like to achieve.
we faced several different difficulties that we had to consider and at some points, change. The weather had a huge impact on our filming due to the wind which caused an impact on the characters expression and the back ground noise which became easily distracting. We faced a problem with props as when we came to filming we were advised to use a photo of the young girl instead of getting the image up on the characters phones as it allows the scene to feel more emotional and stimulating. We forgot to bring the photo when we came to filming so had to go back and make sure that all props that we need including the photo was there for us to use. As a group we filmed out final production over a period of 2 days and were filmed out of sequence. We filmed the outdoors section first when it was day light and nice weather, but we noticed something when looking back after recording that we need to make a slight adjustment and change a certain scene the following day. This meant that we had to take into consideration the weather and wait until the weather was nice and not raining or to dark.

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