Thursday 24 April 2014

Costume Choice

Costume has a huge part in creating the character that you want the audience to understand and identify their role within the scene. Our target audience has helped us to create a character appropriate for the opening sequence, as it stands the target audience is aimed for adolescence around 14-18. Due to teenage culture today, there are many different subcultures which is influenced by friends and clothing choice.

As a group we created an idea of a young innocent girl but as the audience gets to know her they will realise that the is created in that way to hide her real personality. An example of different subcultures within the teenage years is 'Goths' and 'Emos' which are stereotyped to wear dark colours dressing in black with deep and dark make-up and listening to rock/ heavy metal music. If we wanted a character to be stereotyped in this form we would ensure that she was dressed in black with heavy dark make-up allowing the audience to gain a sense of the scene and create a dark atmosphere. However, as Goths don't make up a wide range of society today, if we was to focus our attention on them it would provide the genre or sense we would like to achieve and would also limit the target audience.

By choosing specifically to create a character with a vulnerable, innocent sense allows the audience to feel nervous and by ensuring that we gain as much audience as possible we have dressed the girl in casualty clothing, still fashionable but not branded clothing therefore appealing to the majority of teenagers and will create an atmosphere of them being in characters position. The make-up on our character will be minimal with a natural look and hair will be tied back. By not giving our character a make-up and glammed up will make the audience feel more comfortable and be able to relate to our main character which is important throughout the opening sequence.

Below shows an image of our main characters costume and overall look:

Instead of using a stereotype of an Emo or Goth which would be presented like:

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