Monday 14 April 2014


It is important that before it comes to filming my final brief I am aware and able to identify media film language by using a range of different techniques. This will include mise-en-scene which has a huge impact on being able to notice the key effects and the arrangement of scenery and properties to represents the place or movie is enacted. Mise-en-scene is a French work which basically means the composing of the scene

As a class, we have been looking at short clips and been asked to notice a range of different things that we will need to include in our opening sequence. This is called 'CLAMPS'

CLAMPS means:

C- costume
L- lighting
A- actors
M-  movement
P- props
S- setting 

It is vital that we are able to notice these in clips presented to us as it can change the view point from the characters perspective and give more detail about the scene/clip when looking into more detail through mise-en-scene

Mise-en-scene is crucial that we use this to identify the media language of a clip in our exam and we will be asked to use  representation through the use of mise-en-scene. The representation can vary from:

-Religious identity

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