Wednesday 23 April 2014

Class work on Exam Based

As a class we have been learning about the different types of sound, camera shots, camera movements, camera angles, transitions, composition and the use of mise-en-scene that we need to be able to identify in the short clip provided for us in the exam.

It is vital that we are producing a lot of practice by looking over different genres of clips and films and identify the different stages.

Here is an example of a clip that has come up previously in a Media AS exam:


There are several different camera shots and movements that we would be asked to identify within the exam. There is a close-up on when the boy opposing merlin picks up the object and gives it to merlin, this is to draw the audience attention and build up the tension between both the characters. There is a slow motion in the flight scene when the man fighting with merlin swings the chain, this is used to make the scene more dramatic and express his emotions. A shot reverse shot is used when merlin and the boy are having a conversation at the start of the scene to allow the audience to notice who the tension Is being caused between and expressing their emotions which will set the scene.

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